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Court Filing Information
Filing Requirements and Reminders
- Be prepared to pay the filing fee (see below for more details).
- All pleadings and exhibits must be on 8.5" by 11" single sided paper.
- The cause number must be listed on each document submitted for the court's review.
- An Appearance Form is required for any new filing. Make sure the case type information is complete.
What Clerk Staff CAN DO
- We can provide you with a telephone number of local legal aid referral services.
- We can explain and answer questions about how the courts work.
- We can provide you information from your case file, including information as to when your next court hearing is.
- We can provide a copy of the small claims manual and court forms that are available and instructions on how to complete them.
- We can review your papers for completeness by checking for signatures, notarization, correct county name, and correct case number.
What the Clerk staff CANNOT DO
- We cannot provide legal advice or legal interpretations. Only a lawyer can give you legal advice. Staff can answer questions that call for factual information-these are generally questions that start with "who," "what," "when," or "how." They cannot answer questions that call for an opinion about what you should do-these are generally questions that start with "should," or "whether," or "could." For example, court staff can explain court rules and procedure, but they cannot suggest which of several available procedures you should follow.
- We cannot advise you whether or not you should bring your case to court or give you an opinion about what will happen if you bring your case to court.
- We cannot advise you what to say in court.
- We cannot let you talk to the judge outside court. We also cannot talk to the judge for you about your case.
- We cannot fill out a form for you or tell you what words to use in your court papers.
- We cannot sign an order or change an order signed by the judge. We cannot explain the meaning of a court order to you.
- We cannot provide any guidance or interpretation of the Parenting Time Guidelines for you.
- We CANNOT recommend an attorney for you.
Court Filing Fees
Payment must be made at the time of filing, unless a waiver is requested. For a list of filing fees and court cost, click here.
Court Forms
YOU MAY ALSO EFILE YOUR COURT CASE HERE 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK (you will have to create an account and may have fees depending on which efiling provider you choose)
Need Other Court Forms? Visit the website links below
Indiana Legal Help
Do you need to pay a judgment? You can pay online at
Please make sure to have your cause number when calling. You can find it HERE.
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