Q: What steps do I need to follow to obtain a Full-Time or Part-Time Food Permit?
A: Print this Plan Review Application Packet and fill it out. Feel free to call with questions. Instructions are provided within the packet.
If you intend to open a Mobile Unit (open in Morgan County more than 15 days per year), you will need to print this Mobile Plan Review Application Packet and fill it out.
See also: Criteria for Newly Constructed or Renovated Establishments
Certified Food Protection Manager FAQ
Certified Food Protection Manager Classes
Q: How do I get a food permit to set up at a temporary event?
A: Determine the menu, type of structure, events you will be attending, and understand the equipment you are required to have on site. Then, contact the Health Department to speak to a Food Inspector and answer the questions posed to you before filling out an Application for a Temporary Food Permit and submitting it with your payment.
See: Temporary Event FAQs
Requirements for Temporary Food Establishments
Q: What do I need to set up a Mobile Food Unit?
A: Mobile Food Unit General Requirements
See also: Commissary Agreement Form
Q: What happens if I am a Not-for-Profit?
A: Please See: Information Regarding Nonprofit Organizations
Q: What are the differences between temporary, part-time and full-time food permits?
A: A full-time food establishment permit is for a food establishment that operates year-round.
A part-time food establishment permit is for a food establishment that is open less than six consecutive months of the year.
A temporary food establishment permit is for a food establishment that is open 15 or fewer calendar days in a calendar year. These tend to be mobile units serving food at fairs, festivals, etc…
List of Fees for Food Establishment Permits
Q: What are some situations where a food establishment is required to close?
A: Please see this letter that addresses Mandatory Closure of a Food Establishment.
Q: What does my Employee Illness Policy need to look like and/or include?
A: This is an example of an Employee Illness Policy. Feel free to adopt it as your own.